On August 21, Punjab Chief Minister (CM) Maryam Nawaz officially launched the 'Apni Chhat Apna Ghar' scheme to provide affordable housing to the people of Punjab. This scheme is a significant step from the Punjab government. It is a dedication to delivering quality homes to those who need them the most.
One of the standout features of the 'Apni Chhat Apna Ghar' scheme is the requirement of an interest-free loan worth PKR 15 lac. This payment plan is designed to help citizens purchase 5 marla plots in urban areas and 10 marla plots in rural areas. The scheme includes a three-month relaxation period to make it even easier for applicants. During this time of 3 months, no payments are required from people to the government. Which helps reduce the financial burden on those who join the program.
In total, 17,500 loans and an equal number of housing units will be distributed across these cities in Punjab, making homeownership more accessible for many families.
DG Housing and Town Planning Agency Saif Anwar Punjab recently visited the One Window Operation Center to inform citizens about the benefits of the Apni Chat Apna Ghar project.
To make the application process simple and accessible, CM Maryam Nawaz launched an online portal (acag.punjab.gov.pk) where citizens can easily apply for the program. For those who need more information, a helpline (0800-09100) has been set up to assist with any queries.
This online system ensures that the process is convenient, allowing more people to benefit from this groundbreaking housing scheme. The 'Apni Chhat Apna Ghar' scheme is more than a housing project. It's a promise of a better, more secure future for the people of Punjab.
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