In recent years, the solar energy market in Pakistan has grown significantly. Because of the increasing cost of electricity, everyone cannot afford it. In this way, the demand for reliable, renewable power sources also increased.  Light is a basic need for every human being and its high cost cannot be affordable for every person. We know that solar panels are the best option for long-term benefits for all these sources. There are different prices of solar plates and it depends on their voltage capacity and watts. In this article, we will discuss different rates of solar panels in pakistan. So please stay connected with us.

Here we will discuss various brands of solar panels in pakistan:

Cell Germany Solar Panel Price in Pakistan

Capacity in Watt


Cell Germany 150 Watt

Rs. 8000

Cell Germany 180 Watt

Rs. 9000

Cell Germany 200 Watt

Rs. 10000

Cell Germany 230 Watt

Rs. 11000



A Grade Solar Panels Price 


Brand & specifications

Price per watt 

Panel price 

JA 540 watts single glass A grad documented



JA 540 watts double glass or bifacial A grad



ZN Shine 545 watts single glass A grad



Maysun 540 watts A grade solar panel 



Logni 555 watts single glass A grad documented



Jinko 555 watts single glass A grad documented



Jinko N type 575 watt a grade documented



Longi Hi-Mo 7 580-watt double glass N-type




B-Grade Solar Panel Price in Pakistan


Price per watt

Panel price 

Longi 550 watts B grade



Jinko 550 watt B grade



JA 550 Watts B grade



Canadian Solar Panels Price


Price Per Watt (RS)

Panel Price

Canadian 575-watt Topcon solar panel price



Canadian 555 watts Tier 1 single glass a grade documented



Solar Panel Manufacturers in Pakistan

  • Reon Energy Limited
  • Premier Energy (Pvt) Lmt.
  • Pantera Energy Limited
  • Pakistan Solar Services
  • ZI Solar
  • Alpha Solar
  • Shams Power

solar plate price in pakistan 2

Solar panel prices in different cities in Pakistan


Rupees Per Watt

Solar Panel Price in Islamabad

RS. 32 to 34/watt

Solar Panel Price in Rawalpindi

RS. 32 to 33.5/watt

Solar Panel Price in Lahore

RS. 28 to 32/watt

Solar Panel Price in Quetta

RS. 31 to 33/watt

Solar Panel Price in Faisalabad

RS. 31 to 33/watt

Solar Panel Price in Peshawar

RS. 32.5 to 34/watt

Solar Panel Price in Karachi

RS. 28 to 31/watt

Current Solar Panel Prices in Pakistan

Solar system prices in Pakistan vary by wattage, brand, and type. A 540-watt panel costs around PKR 19,000 to 14,000, while 330-watt solar panel prices in Pakistan range from PKR 16,000 to 15,000, and smaller 170-watt solar panel prices in Pakistan range from PKR 10,000 to 15,000. All these prices mentioned in this article can vary depending on the solar panel brand. Monocrystalline panels, known for efficiency, are less costly than polycrystalline options. Factors like brand, panel type, and installation affect overall costs, making solar energy accessible for diverse budgets in both residential and commercial settings.


Lastly, solar plate rate depend on the quality and brand options. In Pakistan in recent years, solar panels have been highly in demand in different areas of pakistan. Solar plates in Pakistan are a useful source to save income on a large list of electricity bills. Because we know that electricity becomes costly day by day. So all the details are mentioned in this article. If you want to know any information about solar plate rate or the best brands to purchase it. You can come to an article which is full of information.

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