Faisalabad Realtor’s is proud to present yet another top-of-the-line property in the shape of Land across 17 Acre with 2 Acre Front for sale at an eye-catching price of Rs 25,00,000/- Per Acre with 18 Minutes Water Time.
Details of Locality:
This Land is Located at a prime location Near Samundari Road Faisalabad
* Total land : 17 Acre
* Front: 2 Acre
* Fully Fertilized Land
* Fully Cultivated Land
* Canal Water Available
* Easy Access
* Tube well
* Water Timings: 18 Mint
* Coming Thaika: 40 Thousand per Acre
Best For:
*Future Investment
All features point towards a fruitful opportunity that is sure to be beneficial for interested buyers in both long and short-term Investments.
Call for Further Information:
Faisalabad Realtor’s